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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Year on the Job

The first year on the job for recent graduates can be a very rewarding and challenging time. You will want to treat this critical time as a ‘launching’ point for your transition from being a college student to a young professional. Professional etiquette and proper ‘on-boarding’ within the organization are key elements for first year success.

Understand Organizational Culture

Identify the expected ways of interacting within the organization. It is important to understand the policies, formal processes and communication modes of the organization. This includes the proper dress and appearance for a normal workday and also for casual days (Casual Friday).

Positive Work Behaviors

Review the employee handbook to get oriented to proper workplace behavior. The wear of appropriate office attire that represents your workgroup or department is essential. Maintain your professional demeanor at after-hours events (happy hour, holiday parties, and sporting events). Display to your coworkers you are ready to learn and have a strong work ethic. Demonstrate teamwork by helping your colleagues on projects and other work assignments. Make sure you are respectful of the time of others by being punctual for meetings and other activities.

Build Effective Relationships

Align yourself with positive individuals in your new work environment. It may be helpful to find a mentor who can help guide you during your transition from college student to young professional. This person can provide you with insight into the organizational culture and help when questions arise. Understand how each member of the team functions and how this connects to your new role. Establish short-term, intermediate and long-term goals to help gain acceptance and credibility within the workplace. Be willing to listen to enhance your understanding of the organization. Seek training opportunities to increase your professional development and growth.

Stop by Career Services for a full range of workshops and guidance to help you transition from college to the workplace.

1 comment:

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