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Monday, February 16, 2009

Universum Survey

Have an extra couple minutes and would like to enter to win a $10,000 scholarship?

Top companies, including many that recruit University of Central Florida students, base their recruiting strategies on Universum's research so it will truly benefit you and others on campus to share your opinions on recruiting and employers.

In appreciation for your time you will receive a free copy of the Wetfeet Insider Guide: Ace your Interview! (a $21.95 value!) and will be automatically directed to your unique Career Profile on at the conclusion of the survey.

All respondents are also entered into the Universum 2009 Sweepstakes to win:
. One $10,000 Scholarship
. Two $1,000 Universum Scholarships
. Golla laptop bags and accessories
. One year Netflix gift certificates.
To take the survey, please visit:

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